Conference Interpreter for
German – English – Spanisch
My name is Hannah Wesemeyer. Since my studies at the University of Leipzig, I have been working as a freelance sworn and publicly appointed interpreter and translator in Saxony.

How can I help you?

As a trained conference interpreter, I interpret for you in the languages German, English and Spanish.

I translate for you into and from the languages German, English and Spanish.

If you have any questions about translations or interpreting solutions, please feel free to contact me at any time with your queries. I will be happy to provide you with expert information on the various options for interpreting at your event and on suitable solutions for your translations.
In contrast to written translation, interpreting involves the transmission of the spoken word. I offer both simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. In each case both into and out of the languages German, Spanish and English. — my language combinations are German-Spanish and German-English.
If you have any questions or would like learn more about the different interpreting modes, please feel free to contact me.
Simultaneous interpreting
In simultaneous interpreting, what is said is transmitted almost simultaneously. Normally, this is done with the help of technology. This means using soundproof interpreting booths, microphones and headphones. The listeners can then hear the interpretation. This mode is therefore suitable for conferences or lectures, for example.
However, it is also possible to offer simultaneous interpreting without technology: This is known as whispered interpreting or chouchoutage. In this mode, the interpreter simultaneously whispers to the listeners. This option is therefore only suitable if only one or two people need the interpretation.
Consecutive interpreting
In consecutive interpreting, the text is transmitted gradually. The interpreter waits until the speaker pauses and then repeats what has been said in the target language. A small notepad is often used as a memory aid so that even longer and complex passages can be clearly understood. This mode is therefore suitable for addresses or table speeches, for example.
In addition to unilateral consecutive interpreting, there is also the possibility of bilateral interpreting, also called liaison interpreting. This mode is suitable for counselling interviews or negotiations. In bilateral interpreting, the interpreter sits with the parties and interprets what is said in both directions.
As a sworn and publicly appointed translator in Germany for the languages German Spanish and English, I can provide you with simple or certified translations. You can have documents such as certificates and legal documents translated by me, as well as websites and other text formats.
Feel free to contact me at any time for advice and a quote.
You are planning a multilingual event – for example, an annual meeting, a company tour, a panel discussion or a conference?
I will be happy to advise you on the implementation of multilingualism and contribute my acquired knowledge and interpreting experience to find a tailor-made solution for you. Together we can discuss possible solutions to find the appropriate technology and interpreting team or, in the case of online events, the appropriate platform that best suits your event.
Contact me for a corresponding quotation. I will be happy to act as the contact person for organising the multilingualism of your conference, obtain quotes for the relevant technology or put together a team of interpreters.
If my services do not correspond to what you are actually looking for, I will gladly refer you to highly qualified colleagues throughout Germany.
Here VKD-Infoblatt_fuer_Veranstalter.pdf (bdue.de)) you will find helpful information for organisers from the German Association of Conference Interpreters (only available in german).

My name is Hannah Wesemeyer, I work as a conference interpreter (MA) and translator (BA), based in Leipzig.
Since graduating from the University of Leipzig, I have worked as a conference interpreter in Saxony, Germany and Europe. My expertise spans various subject areas, such as law, business and technology.
Ich lege großen Wert auf kontinuierliche Weiterbildung, um qualitativ hochwertige Dolmetschleistungen und eine reibungslose interkulturelle Kommunikation zu gewährleisten. Meine Lösungen sind darauf ausgerichtet, Ihre Bedürfnisse zu verstehen und Ihre Botschaften zu übermitteln, um so den Erfolg Ihrer Projekte zu unterstützen.
I offer professional support to overcome language barriers and strengthen your international relations.
If you would like in-depth advice on your interpreting solution, please feel free to contact me - I am happy to assist you with the implementation your project.
Feel free to contact me to learn more about my experience in different areas.
I have worked as an interpreter in the following areas:
- Logistics
- Lift and crane technology
- Legal
- Human rights
- Environment
- Finance
- IT
I also interpret at court hearings or in penal institutions.
Studies University of Leipzig Conference Interpreting (MA)
(2017 – 2020)
Study for conference interpreting with the languages German – Spanish – English
Studies University of Leipzig Translation (BA)
(2014 – 2017)
Basic studies in translation and interpreting with the languages German – Spanish – English
+49 341 58095991
+49 157 83991092